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Terraform for Azure Resource Manager

Use Terraform for Azure Resource Manager to collect evidence from your Azure infrastructure

Micah Spieler avatar
Written by Micah Spieler
Updated over a week ago

Terraform for Azure Resource Manager

With our Terraform for Azure Resource Manager integration, you can collect evidence of your Azure configurations directly from your cloud infrastructure. Terraform integrations are a flexible, low-code solution that allow you to customize what evidence is collected from your cloud systems. Read more about our Terraform integrations.

Types of evidence you might collect with Terraform for Azure

There are a lot of different types of evidence that you can collect from Azure Resource Manager (AzureRM). The flexibility of this integration is limited only by what is available from Terraform in terms of data sources supported by their AzureRM provider.

Important note: You do not need to use Terraform in your tech stack in order to use Terraform for Azure Resource Manager to collect evidence.

Here is a short, non-exhaustive list of some of the possible evidence you may collect from Terraform for AzureRM:

  • Storage Blob data

  • Subscription information

  • Azure database information

  • Data about Azure VPN gateways

  • Data about an Azure Firewall

Follow the instructions on this page to get started collecting evidence from AzureRM using Terraform.

Configuring Terraform for Azure Resource Manager

To configure the Terraform integration with AzureRM, you (or someone in your organization) will need access and permissions to configure a new Azure Service Principal.

Get started by navigating to the Integration Manager in Strike Graph and opening the Terraform for Azure Resource Manager integration. Note: if you do not see this integration listed, it may not be available for your organization or role yet, reach out to customer success to inquire.

Click on the “+ Connect” button to begin configuring a new integration.

Next, in your Azure Portal, configure a new service principal within your Azure account that Strike Graph can use to collect evidence from your Azure systems. Alternatively, you can create a Service Principal using the Azure CLI. Instructions for creating a service principal via either the portal or CLI can be found here. The service principal that you create should have “Reader” access to the Azure subscription from which you want to collect evidence.

Remember: For proper security, only assign the “Reader” role to your service principal when connecting it with your Azure subscription id, as that is all that is required for evidence collection. More information about Azure roles can be found here.

Setting up your Azure Service Principal

We authenticate to Azure Resource Manager using a Service Principal with a Client Secret.

  • A service principal is a security identity used to access specific Azure data sources. You can think of it as a login identity (similar to a username/password) that has access to resources in a particular Azure tenant. Roles can be assigned to a service principal (for example a service principal can be given “read” access to data in a certain Azure subscription).

    • Each service principal has a Client ID (appID), Client Secret (password) and Tenant ID.

    • For more information about service principals, see Microsoft’s documentation.

  • When setting up an integration with Azure RM, you will need to provide service principal credentials in addition to a Subscription ID.

    • You will need to grant the service principal “Reader” access to the subscription id that you are providing; you can do this by following the steps to create a service principal outlined here.

  • For the AzureRM integration, we only support unique combinations of client_id/tenant_id/subscription_id

    • Note that while it is possible to create multiple client secrets in Azure for the same client_id/tenant/subscription, we don’t support that since it would be considered a duplicate integration

Configuring up the integration in Strike Graph

Back in the Strike Graph interface, enter your service principal credentials into the matching fields:

  • For the Display Name field, choose any unique name you want, probably something that helps you remember which set of credentials you are using.

  • For the Azure Subscription ID field, use the subscription_id to which you gave your service principal “Reader” access.

  • For the Azure Tenant ID field, use your service principal tenant.

  • For the Azure Client ID field, use your service principal appId.

  • For the Azure Client Secret field, use your service principal password.

Click the “Save” button to finalize the configuration of the integration.

Using Terraform for Azure Resource Manager to collect evidence

Once you have configured a Terraform for Azure Resource Manager integration, you can begin using it to collect evidence of your Azure resources and infrastructure.

Start by navigating in Strike Graph to the item that you want to collect evidence for. You can choose to attach evidence directly for one time evidence collection, or configure automated collection (recommended).

Click on one of the options, and then select the Terraform for Azure Resource Manager integration from the list of available integrations. If you have configured multiple Terraform integrations, make sure you select the one with the right permissions for the evidence that you plan to collect.

Define the data to collect

Terraform integrations allow you to use a few lines of code to define what data you would like to collect as evidence. These are called “data blocks” and more information about data blocks and local values can be found on the Terraform overview page.

With Terraform for Azure Resource Manager, you can collect evidence from almost any AzureRM resource that you use in your cloud environments. There is a list of which data sources may be available at the bottom of this page, as well as on the Terraform AzureRM provider page (data sources are listed under the sections on the left side of the page).

Step 1: Define the data block. Data blocks are extensible, but follow a typical pattern:

  • data_source: this defines which AzureRM resource we should read from. Terraform for Azure Resource Manager supports data collection from any resource with a supported data source from Terraform's AzureRM provider (see below for a list).

  • temp_name: this is a temporary name you define and is used to refer to this data block during execution. It only has labeling significance within the scope of this configuration. The temp name is used in the output's filename, so it's recommended that you name it with something recognizable. Names can be repeated across configurations, are limited to alphanumeric characters, and do not allow spaces.

  • query constraints / arguments – Many data sources require specific argument(s) to be included (like the name of the resource you're pulling data from), or provide methods for constraining the data based on specific queries so that you can tailor the output. These are written as key/value pairs and can include multiple arguments as accepted by the data source. Refer to the specific data source requirements in the Terraform AzureRM provider documentation.

Step 2: Define the local values used for the execution. This also follows a typical pattern that is derived from the data block: data.data_source.temp_name (sometimes followed by a key, like “metadata” in the example image above).

Run the data collection

After you have defined the data block and local values, click the "Attach" button to execute the data collection. This may take a few minutes as we set up the data pipeline to collect the attachment.

Once the collection is finished, the attachment modal will close and you can see the collected data has been added to the evidence. You can confirm what was collected by clicking on the attachment to view the data.

Using Terraform for Azure Resource Manager with Automated Collection

It is highly recommended that you configure your evidence collection with automated collection. With Automated Collection, Strike Graph can recollect evidence attachments from Azure Resource Manager a few days before expiration so that your evidence remains in an effective 'audit ready' state.

To configure your evidence with Automated Collection, follow the steps above after clicking on the "Automated Collection" button found on the evidence item detail pages. Additional information about Automated Collection is available here.

Removing your Terraform for Azure Resource Manager integration

You can remove the integration at any time. Please note that removing an integration does not delete any files that were attached using that integration. Removing an integration will also disrupt automated collection.

To remove:

  1. Go to the Integrations Manager and click on the Terraform for Azure Resource Manager card to access the integration configurations.

  2. Click the "Deactivate" button next to your configuration.

Note: You may have access to remove integrations for other users on your team.

If you are fully removing access between Strike Graph and your Azure system, you may also wish to delete the service principal that you set up during configuration from the Azure portal. Before deleting, verify that you are not using this service principal for other purposes.


For additional Terraform troubleshooting tips, click here.

Terraform integrations will return an error if we were unable to execute the collection request. The errors returned will be different depending on which step of the collection failed.

Errors when setting up an integration

If you receive an error while setting up an integration, check if there is a specific error message at the top of the form. If one or more of your service principal fields are invalid, this message should tell you which field(s) to double check. If you have multiple invalid fields, the error message will update with the next invalid field each time that you correct and submit the form.

General formatting errors

If the message returned is pretty generic (like "Something went wrong") it may be a formatting issue. Check that your temp_name is formatted correctly (no spaces, only alphanumeric characters) and that there are not any other unexpected characters or formatting issues in the data block or local values.

Check permissions

If it is a permissions error, ensure that you have given your service principal the necessary “Reader” role to access your subscription.

Confirm the data_source requirements

Check that the resource you defined in the data_source is available from the AzureRM Terraform provider, and ensure that you have included any required query constraints / arguments.

Confirm the local values

Confirm that the local values are formatted correctly. Typically, the local value should start with "data" (as described above) and include the data_source and temp_name. Check that the data_source and temp_name values are the same between the data block and local values.

The long list of supported Azure Resource Manager data sources

The following list is a snapshot of supported data sources from the AzureRM Terraform provider. For up to date support and specific data source requirements, visit the Terraform documentation.


  • azurerm_aadb2c_directory

API Management

  • azurerm_api_management

  • azurerm_api_management_api

  • azurerm_api_management_api_version_set

  • azurerm_api_management_gateway

  • azurerm_api_management_group

  • azurerm_api_management_product

  • azurerm_api_management_user

Active Directory Domain Services

  • azurerm_active_directory_domain_service


  • azurerm_advisor_recommendations

App Configuration

  • azurerm_app_configuration

  • azurerm_app_configuration_key

  • azurerm_app_configuration_keys

App Service (Web Apps)

  • azurerm_app_service

  • azurerm_app_service_certificate

  • azurerm_app_service_certificate_order

  • azurerm_app_service_environment

  • azurerm_app_service_environment_v3

  • azurerm_app_service_plan

  • azurerm_function_app

  • azurerm_function_app_host_keys

  • azurerm_linux_function_app

  • azurerm_linux_web_app

  • azurerm_service_plan

  • azurerm_source_control_token

  • azurerm_windows_function_app

  • azurerm_windows_web_app

Application Insights

  • azurerm_application_insights


  • azurerm_attestation


  • azurerm_role_definition

  • azurerm_user_assigned_identity


  • azurerm_automation_account

  • azurerm_automation_variable_bool

  • azurerm_automation_variable_datetime

  • azurerm_automation_variable_int

  • azurerm_automation_variable_string

Azure Stack HCI

  • azurerm_client_config

  • azurerm_extended_locations

  • azurerm_resource_group

  • azurerm_resources

  • azurerm_subscription

  • azurerm_subscriptions


  • azurerm_batch_account

  • azurerm_batch_application

  • azurerm_batch_certificate

  • azurerm_batch_pool


  • azurerm_billing_enrollment_account_scope

  • azurerm_billing_mca_account_scope

  • azurerm_billing_mpa_account_scope


  • azurerm_blueprint_definition

  • azurerm_blueprint_published_version


  • azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_endpoint

  • azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_origin_group

  • azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_profile

  • azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_rule_set

  • azurerm_cdn_profile

Cognitive Services

  • azurerm_cognitive_account


  • azurerm_availability_set

  • azurerm_dedicated_host

  • azurerm_dedicated_host_group

  • azurerm_disk_access

  • azurerm_disk_encryption_set

  • azurerm_image

  • azurerm_images

  • azurerm_managed_disk

  • azurerm_platform_image

  • azurerm_proximity_placement_group

  • azurerm_shared_image

  • azurerm_shared_image_gallery

  • azurerm_shared_image_version

  • azurerm_shared_image_versions

  • azurerm_snapshot

  • azurerm_ssh_public_key

  • azurerm_virtual_machine

  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set

Confidential Ledger

  • azurerm_confidential_ledger


  • azurerm_managed_api


  • azurerm_consumption_budget_resource_group

  • azurerm_consumption_budget_subscription


  • azurerm_container_group

  • azurerm_container_registry

  • azurerm_container_registry_scope_map

  • azurerm_container_registry_token

  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster

  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool

  • azurerm_kubernetes_service_versions

CosmosDB (DocumentDB)

  • azurerm_cosmosdb_account

  • azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_database

  • azurerm_cosmosdb_restorable_database_accounts

Cost Management

  • azurerm_dns_a_record

  • azurerm_dns_aaaa_record

  • azurerm_dns_caa_record

  • azurerm_dns_cname_record

  • azurerm_dns_mx_record

  • azurerm_dns_ns_record

  • azurerm_dns_ptr_record

  • azurerm_dns_soa_record

  • azurerm_dns_srv_record

  • azurerm_dns_txt_record

  • azurerm_dns_zone

Data Explorer

  • azurerm_kusto_cluster

  • azurerm_kusto_database

Data Factory

  • azurerm_data_factory

Data Share

  • azurerm_data_share

  • azurerm_data_share_account

  • azurerm_data_share_dataset_blob_storage

  • azurerm_data_share_dataset_data_lake_gen2

  • azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_cluster

  • azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_database


  • azurerm_data_protection_backup_vault


  • azurerm_mariadb_server

  • azurerm_mssql_database

  • azurerm_mssql_elasticpool

  • azurerm_mssql_managed_instance

  • azurerm_mssql_server

  • azurerm_mysql_flexible_server

  • azurerm_mysql_server

  • azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server

  • azurerm_postgresql_server

  • azurerm_sql_database

  • azurerm_sql_managed_instance

  • azurerm_sql_server

Database Migration

  • azurerm_database_migration_project

  • azurerm_database_migration_service


  • azurerm_databricks_workspace

  • azurerm_databricks_workspace_private_endpoint_connection

Dev Test

  • azurerm_dev_test_lab

  • azurerm_dev_test_virtual_network

Digital Twins

  • azurerm_digital_twins_instance


  • azurerm_elastic_cloud_elasticsearch


  • azurerm_hdinsight_cluster


  • azurerm_healthcare_dicom

  • azurerm_healthcare_fhir_service

  • azurerm_healthcare_medtech_service

  • azurerm_healthcare_service

  • azurerm_healthcare_workspace

IoT Hub

  • azurerm_iothub

  • azurerm_iothub_dps

  • azurerm_iothub_dps_shared_access_policy

  • azurerm_iothub_shared_access_policy

Key Vault

  • azurerm_key_vault

  • azurerm_key_vault_access_policy

  • azurerm_key_vault_certificate

  • azurerm_key_vault_certificate_data

  • azurerm_key_vault_certificate_issuer

  • azurerm_key_vault_encrypted_value

  • azurerm_key_vault_key

  • azurerm_key_vault_managed_hardware_security_module

  • azurerm_key_vault_secret

  • azurerm_key_vault_secrets

Load Balancer

  • azurerm_lb

  • azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool

  • azurerm_lb_rule

Log Analytics

  • azurerm_log_analytics_workspace

Logic App

  • azurerm_logic_app_integration_account

  • azurerm_logic_app_standard

  • azurerm_logic_app_workflow

Machine Learning

  • azurerm_machine_learning_workspace


  • azurerm_maintenance_configuration

  • azurerm_public_maintenance_configurations

Managed Applications

  • azurerm_managed_application_definition


  • azurerm_management_group


  • azurerm_maps_account


  • azurerm_eventgrid_domain

  • azurerm_eventgrid_domain_topic

  • azurerm_eventgrid_system_topic

  • azurerm_eventgrid_topic

  • azurerm_eventhub

  • azurerm_eventhub_authorization_rule

  • azurerm_eventhub_cluster

  • azurerm_eventhub_consumer_group

  • azurerm_eventhub_namespace

  • azurerm_eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule

  • azurerm_notification_hub

  • azurerm_notification_hub_namespace

  • azurerm_servicebus_namespace

  • azurerm_servicebus_namespace_authorization_rule

  • azurerm_servicebus_queue

  • azurerm_servicebus_queue_authorization_rule

  • azurerm_servicebus_subscription

  • azurerm_servicebus_topic

  • azurerm_servicebus_topic_authorization_rule

  • azurerm_signalr_service

Mixed Reality

  • azurerm_spatial_anchors_account


  • azurerm_monitor_action_group

  • azurerm_monitor_data_collection_endpoint

  • azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_categories

  • azurerm_monitor_log_profile

  • azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert

  • azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_log


  • azurerm_netapp_account

  • azurerm_netapp_pool

  • azurerm_netapp_snapshot

  • azurerm_netapp_snapshot_policy

  • azurerm_netapp_volume


  • azurerm_application_gateway

  • azurerm_application_security_group

  • azurerm_express_route_circuit

  • azurerm_firewall

  • azurerm_firewall_policy

  • azurerm_ip_group

  • azurerm_local_network_gateway

  • azurerm_nat_gateway

  • azurerm_network_ddos_protection_plan

  • azurerm_network_interface

  • azurerm_network_security_group

  • azurerm_network_service_tags

  • azurerm_network_watcher

  • azurerm_private_endpoint_connection

  • azurerm_private_link_service

  • azurerm_private_link_service_endpoint_connections

  • azurerm_public_ip

  • azurerm_public_ip_prefix

  • azurerm_public_ips

  • azurerm_route_filter

  • azurerm_route_table

  • azurerm_subnet

  • azurerm_traffic_manager_geographical_location

  • azurerm_traffic_manager_profile

  • azurerm_virtual_hub

  • azurerm_virtual_network

  • azurerm_virtual_network_gateway

  • azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection

  • azurerm_virtual_wan

  • azurerm_vpn_gateway

  • azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy


  • azurerm_policy_assignment

  • azurerm_policy_definition

  • azurerm_policy_set_definition

  • azurerm_policy_virtual_machine_configuration_assignment


  • azurerm_portal_dashboard

Private DNS

  • azurerm_private_dns_a_record

  • azurerm_private_dns_aaaa_record

  • azurerm_private_dns_cname_record

  • azurerm_private_dns_mx_record

  • azurerm_private_dns_ptr_record

  • azurerm_private_dns_soa_record

  • azurerm_private_dns_srv_record

  • azurerm_private_dns_txt_record

  • azurerm_private_dns_zone

Recovery Services

  • azurerm_backup_policy_file_share

  • azurerm_backup_policy_vm

  • azurerm_recovery_services_vault

  • azurerm_site_recovery_fabric

  • azurerm_site_recovery_protection_container

  • azurerm_site_recovery_replication_policy


  • azurerm_redis_cache

Redis Enterprise

  • azurerm_redis_enterprise_database


  • azurerm_search_service


  • azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule

  • azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template

Spring Cloud

  • azurerm_spring_cloud_app

  • azurerm_spring_cloud_service


  • azurerm_storage_account

  • azurerm_storage_account_blob_container_sas

  • azurerm_storage_account_sas

  • azurerm_storage_blob

  • azurerm_storage_container

  • azurerm_storage_encryption_scope

  • azurerm_storage_management_policy

  • azurerm_storage_share

  • azurerm_storage_sync

  • azurerm_storage_sync_group

  • azurerm_storage_table_entity

Stream Analytics

  • azurerm_stream_analytics_job


  • azurerm_synapse_workspace


  • azurerm_management_group_template_deployment

  • azurerm_resource_group_template_deployment

  • azurerm_subscription_template_deployment

  • azurerm_template_spec_version

  • azurerm_tenant_template_deployment

VMware (AVS)

  • azurerm_vmware_private_cloud

Web PubSub

  • azurerm_web_pubsub

  • azurerm_web_pubsub_private_link_resource


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